Our Story
Kink & Coil began as a tiny personal blog back in 2014. Having just moved away from home, I suddenly found myself at a loss for ways to take care of my natural hair. It's embarrassing to admit how heavily I relied on my Mom and stylist to handle all my hair-related needs. I had no clue about how my hair type influenced the sort of products and tools I should use, and was even more useless when it came to styling.
Thankfully, the internet had my back. I looked up everything from moisture and length retention techniques to protective styling tricks, experimented for months on end, and did my best to jot it all down on the blog. From there I started attending natural hair meetups and hair shows across Toronto because I simply couldn't get enough. I became obsessed with natural hair!
The products we now sell are the result of my years spent researching what's missing in the natural hair market. Although strides have been made to encourage Black people to embrace and flaunt our beauty, natural hair remains severely underserved and underrepresented. Our mission is to expand natural hair care by creating unique, innovative, affordable, and healthy products that are designed specifically with kinky and coily hair in mind.
Thank you for including us on your hair journey!

Leaticia, Founder of Kink & Coil